Thursday, August 29, 2013


     The people at REI were very helpful in helping me decide on what equipment to purchase.  Tent was on sale, Big Agnes Copper Spur 2.  Adds a little more weight than a 1 person tent, but with my size the single person tent was just too claustrophobic for me.  This will at least give me some room to roll over and spread some things out to dry if needed.   Pack:  Osprey Atmos 65.  Depending on how I pack things it should be plenty large enough for what I need to take.  I will plan to use it next week on a 2 night camp/hike.  Sleeping bag is Big Agnes Encampment +15 deg, with a +55 deg travel bag/liner, 3.5 inch pad.  Even if the temperature rating is not correct, I should be warm enough in cold weather.  Other equipment I purchased was a water filter, hydration pack, headlight, and one or two other items that I probably could have done without.  I need to decide on clothing and of course food.  I hope to pack only 3 to 5 days of food and expect to carry only a minimal amount of clothing.  Still haven't decided on a stove either.
     I have continued to walk about 5 miles a day.  I purchased a new pair of Merrell hiking shoes and had intended to start breaking them in.  The ones I  bought were a little heavier than the ones I wanted, but by the end of February I will need another pair.  My son-in-law, Scott and I did almost 10 miles this past Sunday as we hiked around the Manassas Battlefield trails.  Of course I had no idea that we would hike that far so I was wearing the new shoes and left my water in the car.  I survived, but I could feel every rock through those shoes.  I will need better socks and maybe a liner to keep my feet from hurting.  I have worn these shoes on other 5 mile walks this week around their neighborhood following walking/biking paths, and I seem to be doing better with these shoes.  Also, not lacing them tight has helped tremendously.  That's all for today, more will follow later.

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