Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Nov. 09/21

 I seem to start each entry the same way.  Time flies.  I see it has been a couple of months since my last entry.  That seems to be par for the course.  Our last camping trip was to the beach at Gulf Shores State Park.  The weather was perfect, but we never went to the beach or saw the sand.  We will do that on the next visit.  Instead we walked for several miles on trails which are flat and mostly paved.  We rented bikes and rode one day.  I had some balance issues and almost wrecked a couple of times, but all in all it was a very good trip.  Amy had no trouble riding.  It had been 50 or more years since we had ridden bikes. After we got home we thought about getting us some until we went to a cycle store and saw the price.  We are no longer looking to buy bicycles.  My son and his wife came down at the same time we did but they stayed in a condo on the beach.  When I found out where they were staying I checked into staying there to but the cost was way too much for us.  I was worried about driving down on one tank of gas.  I have never filled up the truck towing the camper.  I was really worried when the warning light came on saying we had 50 miles left.  Then really worried when it said 35 miles to go.  You just can't pull in to any gas station to fill up with a 38 foot camper in tow.  I finally found a station I could pull into and get to the diesel pump so we made it.  I have an app on my phone that shows fuel stations that have RV lanes.  Had I remembered it before we left we would have known where to fill up.  We used it to find a station about half way so had no problem coming home.  Anyway our main reason for going was to eat seafood.  And we ate plenty.  This was the first trip that we did not have the dog with us.  If we had had him we could not have done the things we did.  I forgot to take pictures but here are a couple:


We have already scheduled our next two camping trips.  The first week in December we will go to our favorite place, DeSota State Park.  Then Emily and her husband and Kale and Maddox and their dog Radley will be coming for Christmas.  We are looking forward to their visit.  Maybe Jason and Shelley will be able to join us Christmas day.  I think that Amy's sister, Ginger, her husband David and their son Sam will come for lunch then too.  

After Christmas the first week in January we will go back to Gulf Shores for some more seafood. We are hoping that it will not be too cold by then.  Maybe this time we will actually walk on the beach.  That's all until next time.