Tuesday, August 15, 2017

August 15, 2017

     Okay, it has been a couple of months since my last post so here is the latest update.  We have been traveling a little.  In my last post I mentioned that my wife was in Virginia and I bought a new truck.   In June, Max and I went to Virginia to help keep the grandchildren while my daughter was still working.  She teaches in one school system and her kids go to school in a different system.  The kids got out a week earlier than she, so I went up to help transport them to places they needed to go.  After spending a couple of weeks up there, Max and I took the scenic route home through the Shenandoah National Park on Skyline Drive. Roughly guessing it was about 120 miles at 35 mph.  Really beautiful with a lot of places to enjoy the views along the way.  The road crosses the Appalachian Trail several times.  At one of the last lookouts I encountered two thru hikers who were looking for a ride to the nearest town (Waynesboro, Va.) to restock on food.  Since Skyline Drive ends there, I was close enough to give them a ride.  My intent was to travel the Blue Ridge Parkway from start to finish.  It starts at the end of Skyline Drive.  After the slight detour to Waynesboro I returned back to continue my quest.  I was quite disappointed.  At each pull offs to look at the views, the grass was over 6 feet high and blocked the views.  That portion of the parkway was very curvy, which would not have been so bad if I could have seen more than tall grass along the way.  It did not take me too long to decide to travel the parkway another time so I found a way to get back to the interstate and came on home.  On the section of the parkway I did travel I did not see any other traffic, which would have been great but because of the curves the speed was only about 45 miles per hour.  My thinking was that at that speed it would take forever to travel the 400 miles of parkway.  So, that trip will have to wait till another time.
     We were home about a week before we headed to Texas for the birth of our latest grandson, Maddox.  Being retired is great since we are able to go an do things like that.  My wife is flying back out there next week to help out.  Max and I are staying home this time.  I don't think we were invited.  Max thinks he is a big dog (they have two labs) but has a problem of wanting to mark his territory, and I am too loud.  Maybe we will go on the next trip.
    Since I had bought the truck to pull my imaginary camper, we decided to get the camper.  We bought a Keystone Sprinter 29BH camper.  When I first pulled it home I was not sure where I was going to park it.  It is about 33 feet long, very spacious and will sleep a maximum of 9 people.  Of course that many people would have no where to move inside, but it is just right for my wife, me and Max.  We have already taken it camping in Cheaha State park.  Of course my daughter says it is not camping, but glamping.  And she is right.  All the comforts of home but enjoying the great outdoors.  Air conditioning, satellite TV, room to move around, as well as great outdoor space.  Cheaha was a good test since it is only about 20 miles from home and a narrow, curvy mountain road.  We spent a couple of very enjoyable nights and are already planning out next adventure.  I will post pictures next time.
     Of course I will have to say that my garden experiment worked like a charm.  More tomatoes than we have ever had, lots of peas and beans, cucumbers and squash.  I will do it again next year.