Tuesday, May 30, 2017

May 30. 2017

     Wow!  I did not realize that time passes so fast it had been 2 months since my last post.  I will try to do better.  I have been a bachelor for most of the month.  Amy is in Virginia helping with the newest baby while Katy has gone back to work.  She will be there through next month since Katy's school doesn't end until the end of June.  I have had my hands full with keeping Max occupied.  He is so demanding and has gotten to be quite a lap dog.  Just like a baby he wants to be held or laying on me all the time and it is getting to be troublesome.  He completed his second round of obedience school, but still doesn't understand the word NO.  Max will not go out into the back yard unless I go out there with him.  Spoiled, definitely.  If it is raining outside, he will not go out.  You can guess what that means if he refuses to "go" outside, then he is going to "go" inside.  Maybe it is because he is still a puppy.  He is so attached to me that when I am in the pool on a raft, he will climb on it just to sit on top of me.  If I'm in the hammock, he will jump up there too.  We put in the fence so he could stay outside by himself, but that doesn't happen.  He has escaped under the fence twice.  The first time he was chasing a lizard, which he caught and ate.  He escaped the other day but when I realized he was not in the backyard I found him looking in the windows waiting to come back inside.
     For the past two weeks I have been volunteering at church.  I thought it would help improve the looks of things if I put my pressure washer to use and cleaned the concrete around the church.  So far I have only done about 1/3 of the total area.  Eventually I will get the whole job completed, but not sure how much longer it will take. I can work for 3 or 4 hours a couple of days, then I have to take several days off.  Thankfully we have been getting a lot of rain so I use it as an excuse not to get wet pressure washing.  Oh well, any excuse works for me.
      I have also been truck shopping.  Maybe I want too much, but I want to have something to pull the imaginary camper or the imaginary boat that I don't have.  Too many makes and models to choose from.  They all have one thing in common; a hefty price tag.  My old truck is almost an antique.  That was brought to my attention when a dealer was willing to take it off my hands for almost no trade in value.  I may find an organization to take it as a donation.  That way I would get more of a tax write off.  That has us almost caught up for now, so more to follow later.