Friday, December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016

Although we were missing the matriarchs (Gogo and G-mama) who passed away this year, Christmas at the Locklin house was tom-terrific.  I guess that term shows my age, but it was really great to have everyone here for Christmas.

Next year we will add 2 more grandchildren as both Katy and Emily are expecting.  In addition not pictured are the 4 Labs and Max.  They were not allowed in the picture since they could not be still.  Also for lunch on Christmas Day we had Amy's sister, Ginger, her husband, David, and their son, Sam.  Lots of food and fun.

I also think that the best thing that while the kids were here we only had one real meltdown.  Quite an accomplishment for this group.  During the coming year we hope to do more hiking and camping, and maybe a vacation trip with our good friends Chuck and Meri Jane Wood.  Not sure where that will be yet, but should start planning soon.

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year as we bring in 2017!!!