Friday, November 18, 2016

November 18, 2016

So, this is Max when we first got him.  He was 8 weeks old.  A little 4 lb. ball of fur.

This is Max today.  He is now about 6 months old, weighs about 10 lbs, and is an attack dog.  He attacks lizards, grasshoppers, wasps, and any other thing that moves.  

Max will chew on anything.  Including Camilla buds.  He will also eat anything.  He tears up anything in reach.  When he gets something he is not suppose to have, he plays catch me if you can, and most of the time my wife and I are to slow to catch him.  He is so fast he runs circles around us. He will pull out each piece of kleenex from the box it he can reach it.  He has learned to climb up on the sofa to get to the things on the end table.  

He will then give you that innocent look like I would never do anything wrong.

We had to fence in the backyard just for him, hoping this would help with potty training, but he will only go outside if one of us goes outside with him.   He still has us trained.  Outside to play and inside to potty.

Last week we went to Virginia, to see the grand-kids. Since we did not know how well Max would travel on a 12 hour trip, we left in the middle of the night.  We were thinking Max would sleep all night, which he did.  We came back during the daytime and he slept through that trip too.  We are going to San Antonio for Thanksgiving, and hopefully Max will be as good a rider as he was to Virginia.

We are already looking forward to everyone coming to our house for Christmas.