Friday, September 23, 2016

September 23, 2016

On Saturday, Sept 10, we had the memorial service for my brother, Lewis.  Since we had traveled to Woodstock, Ga for his funeral service, I tried to talk mom into just having a graveside service for him.  Deon, his wife, said whatever mom wanted was okay with her.  The service was really good.  Ben Crawford, Lewis's nephew, preached and did a great job, Jac and Jacinda Crawford sang a duet.  After it was over I was sure glad that mom's got her way.  

At the cemetery mom refused to use a wheelchair and instead used her walker.  This was the last time she was able to walk.  On Monday, Sept. 12, her legs could no longer support her and we called for the ambulance to transport her to the hospital thinking she may have had a stroke.  When the paramedics arrived she flatly refused to go to the hospital, so they helped her get into bed.  On Tuesday morning she woke up and said that it was time to go the hospital, so we called the ambulance again and headed to the hospital.  They discovered that she had a UTI which was probably causing a lot of her confusion, and treated her for that and dehydration.  She was released on Thursday.  On Friday we called in hospice.

It seem that Lewis was hanging on to visit mom one last time, and that mom was hanging on for Lewis's service.  Mom's health continues to deteriorate each day,  Also last week one of my favorite cousins past away.  Although he lost his battle with cancer, he like Lewis, has won the victory.

Apparently there is a lot more to putting up a fence for Max than I thought.  I am sure glad I did not try to do it myself.  Seems there was a 3 week turnaround in ordering the vinyl fencing.  Hopefully it will be installed soon, and Max will have a large area to roam.   

To close on a more positive note, Amy and I will be having another grand daughter.  Looks like  Kinsley and Cooper will be getting a new little sister.  Amy is headed to Virginia to visit them.

I did get to hike about 9 + miles yesterday.  This was the first time over the same section that I had fallen and broken my wrist.  No falls this time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6, 2016

     A lot has happened in the last 2 months.  After the Alaskan cruise, we went to visit the grandkids in Virginia.  While there, Amy's mom passed away, so our trip was cut short.  Her health had really deteriorated to the point that we considered canceling the trip, but she had rallied temporarily and we thought making the trip would be okay.   After the funeral, we settled back into our normal routine with one exception.  We have a new family member.  A Yorkie named Max.  He was about 3 lbs when we got him and he has doubled his weight.  He is now about 4 months old and about 7 lbs.  He has us trained.  We take him outside to potty, but all he does is play, chasing anything that moves.  Then back inside to use the bathroom on the floor.  At least he will go on pads, sometimes.  We have had to put him on a leash when he goes outside, just to keep him from going into the woods or under the neighbors fence.  He is fast and sneaky and loves to tear up anything he can get his mouth on.  He also bites and chews his toys and my hands if he can get his mouth close to them.  He loves chasing a plastic tea container, growling and barking at it like it was a threat.  I think he has ADHD and may need medication.  On second thought he is just a puppy.  That is what I keep telling myself as my hands are bleeding from his sharp teeth.
       My part-time job turned into more hours than I wanted to spend and my Fridays off disappeared.  Between working during the day and coming home to work most of the night, it made me remember why I retired in the first place.  July and August seemed to fly by.  At least till the end of the month.
I drove to Woodstock, Ga., to see my brothers son , Taylor, graduate from college.  About two weeks later I picked up my brother and brought him to Talladega to spend a few days with mom.  After returning home he lost his battle with cancer.  It was almost like he had two things to live for, Taylor's graduation and one last visit with mom.  His funeral was on the 31st of August in Woodstock, Ga.  A memorial service will be held on Sept. 10th in Talladega.  Burial will follow this service in Pine Hill Cemetery in Talladega.  I am now an only child.  The past few years have been rough.  First dad, then my sister, then my mother-in-law, and finally my brother.  Mom continues to do well and will probably out live Amy and I.  We are really fortunate to have good caregivers for her.
     As of last Friday, I have officially retired again.  This week will be spent catching up on work around the house that has been neglected since last April.  It is cleanup time at the Locklin house.  We have also decided that we need a fence in the back yard for Max.  He has a small contained area inside and outside that we refer to as puppy prison.  He does like to get on a float in the pool and he knows instinctively how to swim.  The fence should be installed next week.  This will also be good for my kids labs when they come to visit.