Friday, April 22, 2016

April 22, 2016

     Here is my latest part-time project.

     Where to start?  First, mom is doing good.  Lewis is recovering from outpatient back surgery he had on Wednesday. Hopefully the surgery will relieve some pain.  We are planning on visiting them this coming week.  There is just one setback to that.  I was asked to come back to work, so I am now working part time.  It is an ideal situation.  I work a couple of hours a day and am off on Friday, of course to day is Friday and I have been on the phone all morning dealing with school stuff.  My wife thinks I'm nuts and she is probably right.  Okay she is right.
     We had tentatively planned to go camping this weekend, but it was supposed to rain, so we put it off till next weekend.  To be in a tent while it is raining is not the ideal situation for a first time camper like my wife.  Maybe next weekend will be good weather.
     I finally got my garden planted for this year.  I set out 10 tomato plants.  Five different types of plants, but I know that come picking time I will not remember which kind is which.  I planted 2 kinds of squash and 2 kinds of butterpeas.  Also planted a couple of rows of rattlesnake beans, speckled butterbeans, purplehull peas, and lima beans.  And cucumbers, of course.  I used some of the seeds I had left over from last year.  I'll know in a couple of weeks if they were still good.  If not, I will just replant those rows.
     The water in the swimming pool is about 70 degrees now and after next week it should be just right for swimming.  I got a little mad yesterday, when I discovered that the first thing to use my pool this year was a snake.  Even though he was small I treated him like he was a 6 foot cottonmouth and chopped off his head.  I should have taken a picture so I could post it, but I didn't have my phone or camera.  I'm sure there will be another one soon, it just goes with living in the woods.