Saturday, February 6, 2016

February 6 2016

Finally out of a cast.  This was the picture after the cast was removed and before the pin was taken out.  The strips were added 6 weeks ago when the stitches were removed

This shows the swelling that is still there, but the scar I thought I would have is barely visible at all.  it has been 8 weeks since the surgery.  I have no idea how long the swelling will last, and if you think it looks painful, it is.  Rehab starts next week,  Hopefully I will get full use back, but I think it is going to be a long painful rehab,

Enough about me, except Amy and I plan on hiking and camping this spring, and I hope to complete the Georgia portion of the Appalachian Trail this summer.

Mom has had a major setback in her health.  She spent the past week in the hospital with a colon problem getting IV antibiotics.  Her strength has deteriorated and she will now go to rehab for the fourth time in 13 months,  She kids that the first time was for her bachelors degree, then master's, then phd. and now for post doc work. I just hope she passes and comes home stronger than she is now.  

My brother and his wife are planning on visiting next week so they can spend some time with Mom.  We have been trying for the past month for them to come, but January has been a month of sickness and doctors visits.  We hoped this month would be better and it was off to a good start until last week when mom went to the hospital.  She did not want to go back to rehab but realizes that she is too weak to go home.  

Amy and I are planning to go to Katy's at the end of the month. We are also planning an Alaskan cruise in May with some old friends, Chuck and Mary Jane Wood,  Can't wait!!!