Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January 5, 2016

     Happy New Year!  Following up since the last post, I did go back to the doctor on the 23rd.  Got the bulky cast off and saw what was under it.  No wonder I was in pain.  I did take a picture, but since my arm resembled a cooked pork loin, I decided not to post the picture.  They removed the stitches but I have a pin that will have to stay in for six weeks.  I exchanged one bulky cast for another equally bulky cast.  I will have to wear this one until the first week in February.  I guess the doc will pull out the pin then.  Something to look forward to.
     The week after my surgery, my son-in-law had surgery and my wife flew to San Antonio, Texas to help.  A friend of ours took her to Atlanta for her flight out, but I picked her up on her return trip.  That gave me a chance to visit with my brother and his family before heading to the airport.  Of course it was pouring down rain, one handed, glaring lights and bad windshield wipers, but I got to the right place and on time.
     The rains continued till Christmas causing flooding all around,  So much rain fell that I had white water rapids flowing down my front yard,  I had to drain the extra water out of my pool twice to keep it from overflowing,  I now have some new piles of fist sized rocks that the current moved the bottom of the mountain.  That will give you an idea of just how powerful the water was. Rains finally stopped on Christmas day.  Because of the storms a water main broke and we had no water Christmas morning.  Amy went to Birmingham for lunch with her mom and I went to my mom's house to eat lunch with her.
     My daughter, Katy and her clan (Scott, Kinsley, Cooper, and dog Baxter) came for a few days after Christmas.  Jason and Shelley their dog Brooks, were able to come eat with us.  It was really good to have them here.  Next year we expect all here for Christmas.  Kinsley and Cooper really enjoyed playing with Brooks, since he is bigger than both of them. I think they were more excited to see Brooks than Jason and Shelley.
     Amy and I celebrated the new year by falling asleep before seeing it in,  I guess that is just a sign of getting older.  Also we have watched all the bowl games we care to see, except for one more next week.  I decided not to make any new year resolutions, that way I will not break them.  Until next time ...