Saturday, December 12, 2015

December 12, 2015

The days seem to fly by.  I seem to have so much to do that I can blink and another week has passed me by.  Or it may be that I am getting old enough to be forgetful.  Injury update -  Doctor set me up for an mri to check on the ligament damage. By this time I was feeling no pain in my wrist and I was able to move everything inside the cast.  The mri was extremelypainfull due to the awkward position I had to lay in.  The prior damage to my shoulder made it impossible to lay on my stomach with my arm stretched out.  He said the imaging would take four minutes.  After what seemed like an hour, they said three more minutes, but I was done. I had to get out of the machine.  They had to lift my arm up because I could not raise my arm.  I hope I never have to do that again.  This past Monday (7th) I went back to the doctor halfway expecting to have the cast removed.  Instead I was told that I needed surgery to repair the wrist. Not only was there a break in one of the outer bones but also a dislocation of the bones in the center of my wrist. After more X-rays the doctor showed me the problem and scheduled surgery for Wednesday (9th).  The surgery was extensive and the wrist was reconstructed with ligaments taken from the back of my hand.  When I left the hospital I was in fair shape, but I've had to double up on my pain meds every 4 hours.  Fingers are really swollen and thumb is in what feels  like heavy concrete cast.  On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rank my pain level at 15. Meds sure help but make me feel loopy and all spaced out.  I go back to the doctor on the 23rd. I guess I will find out what it looks like under the cast then.