Friday, February 27, 2015

Feb 27, 2015

      I have not had a chance to write on this blog for about a month now.  After mom's stay in the hospital, she was too weak to walk.  So, she spent 21 days in Talladega Rehab and was allowed to go home on Feb. 11th.  I basically moved in her house to help her out.  For about a week she made steady improvement, but had a rash we assumed was an allergic reaction to one of her meds.  So, the doctors took her off two of her medicines.  One was to help remove fluid build up in her body.  For the past week she has had a setback.  Almost to the point that put her in the hospital in the first place.  So today they have put her back on the lay-6 (sp) to remove fluid and added two more pills to remove fluid.  Hopefully these will work magic and she will improve to the point where she can stay by herself.  Until then I will not have much time to continue writing.
     I hope to find some time to start my garden this week.  I have a hankering for turnip greens, so that will be planted first.  The rest will have to wait about another month.  Of course my wife does not like turnip greens, nor wants to wash them or cook them so I will probably have a lot to give away.
     My latest puzzle is a 2000 piece that was started after Christmas.  Just have not found time to work on it either.  Once I get caught up I will start building a king sized bed.  So, I have big plans but until mom is better they are on hold.  One last thing on the list is to start back hiking and some weekend camping in north Georgia, but will wait for the weather to become more stable first.  Surely by next month some of these plans will take shape.