Monday, June 17, 2013

Fantastic weekend visiting Emily, Craig, and Kale.  Kale's first birthday was a good one.  Jason and Shelley joined us for the party.  So impressed with Craig's knowledge of hiking and camping.  I knew he had spent summers working at a Boy Scout camp, and use to work at Dan's in Chicago, but he also had every piece of equipment that I could mention and was able to show me how it worked.  Even found out that he had hiked part of the AT before.  It just goes to show that my daughter picked a winner for a husband.  Before I get into trouble, I should say that all three of my kids found fantastic people to marry.  I am so proud of each one.  I hope they can all hike some part of the AT with me.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Early Father's Day gifts - The A.T. Guide, Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike Planner, and Appalachian Trail Data Book.  Thank you Katy.  These books are essential to planning the thru-hike.  I've already read them twice.  I am going to start gathering the essential equipment I will need to take on the trip. Looking forward to this weekend to consult with my son-in-law about equipment, clothing, food, etc., in addition to celebrating one of my grandson's first birthday party.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

     Today I decided to give a little background.  I grew up in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Explorer Scouts.  I remember as a Boy Scout doing cross-country hikes using a map and compass to chart the course.  Sighting an object to walk to, then get new bearings and hoping to wind up where we were suppose to.  Actually I remember one trip where we off by 1 degree and missed our target by 5 miles.  Our family use to go on vacations which always involved camping.  Seeing the country from park to park.  While in college some of my friends and I had weekend camping trips to Wind Creek on Lake Martin, and other places, including Gatlinburg.  In 1976 I was a Scoutmaster of Troop 140 in Talladega.  We had many weekend camping trips and long hikes.  In 1980 I retired from scouting, due to the need for a second job to make ends meet with our growing family.  Due to always working, I got away from weekend camping.  Now that I am retiring I will have time to start camping and hiking again.
     So, why the AT?  I could say "because it's there", but there is a real reason.  In the back of my mind it is something that I have dreamed about.  Kind of like the "bass boat" I always dreamed of having but never got.  I have known people that started the AT but did not make the whole trip and some that have completed it as a thru hike.  Maybe I am looking to prove to myself that I am not really as old as I feel.  Maybe it is a way to walk off a few pounds.  Really, it is more about setting a goal and striving to reach that goal.  I am not getting any younger and I would like to do this while I still can, even though there have been hikers over 80 completing the AT.  Over the last 40 years I have tried to teach my students to set a goal and go for it.  So, it is time for me to do the same.  Goal:  hike the AT.  Projected timeline from start to finish:  6 months. Planing and preparation:  7 months.  Projected start date:  February 2014.