Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Today I looked up SPOT GPS trackers.  This could be used to communicate position to up to 10 family members.  It will send a text message or an email to let them know that you are ok.  Also, provides real time tracking on google maps.  The device has an emergency 911 feature included.  The only problem is you must have clear sky above for it to work.  Cost about $100. Yearly subscription tracking service another $100.  Battery life could also be a problem if it is always on.  My thinking is I may need this so my wife can keep up with me while hiking the AT.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Looking at backpacks, deciding which one to buy.  I have decided that I need to carry no more than 30 lbs. total, so, that narrows down the search a little bit.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Just finished the book A Walk In The Woods by Bill Bryson.  Like in the book, I hope to meet some real interesting people along the trail.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Almost retired, at the age of 64, I intend to pursue my dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail.  This blog will be my record book listing preparation, thoughts, concerns and whatever else comes to mind.  On July 31, 2013 I will officially retire and join the ranks of the unemployed.  I will begin to exercise with the intention of getting in shape to run a 1/2 marathon with my son and son-in-law, in January.  This conditioning will also help me get into shape for the AT.  Of the 2000 people who begin hiking the AT annually, only 1 in 10 completes it as a Thru-Hike.  I intend to be a thru-hiker.